Why choose Wuuff to advertise online?

Wuuff is far more than a classified website for dog breeders, especially as we know that many breeders like yourself prefer to stay away from advertising your puppies. We want to give you a platform which excludes puppy mills and backyard breeders and strengthens your kennels reputation. Now responsible puppy buyers can easily find and learn more about you. We believe this is absolutely essential in our efforts to educate dog buyers and fight bad breeding.

How can I register and is it Free?

Registering as a dog breeder is Free. However, we will check and approve each registration to make sure it meets our criteria. Once your registration is approved and you have subscribed to advertise on our website, you can create your own Breeder Profile Page to promote your kennel and to start advertising your puppies for sale.

Is posting a puppy ad Free?

We offer 3 different payment terms: quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Regardless which term you decide to subscribe to, you will enjoy all the features we offer, and of course it lets you post unlimited number of ads for the given period. Learn more about our Plans and Pricing here.

Our goal is to promote responsible dog keeping. We strive to fight puppy mills and backyard breeders and so we keep this service open to ethical breeders only. It takes an extra effort and time to verify each breeder registering on our website. By choosing to advertise with us, you are also supporting responsible breeding.

After a quick registration, placing an ad begins by clicking on the “Post an ad” button. Follow the on-screen instructions and you can post a whole litter on the site in a matter of minutes. Find our video tutorial here.

How can I post an upcoming litter?

This is a unique service, and useful too, as so many dog lovers are now planning ahead when looking for a puppy. After you have registered as a breeder, you can now very easily post your planned litters. This service is completely free for all breeders with any of the subscription plans.

Can I advertise my dogs for stud service?

Yes, this is available as part of the Professional Breeder Profile package. See more information below.

What is a breeder profile?

You will have heard it mentioned above. Well, the Breeder Profile is what makes Wuuff unique, and extremely valuable for responsible dog breeders. Sleek, professional, and informative; it will massively increase your visibility. Think of it as your secret weapon to build and strengthen your reputation.

Simply put, it is your own personal site on Wuuff for your kennel, but it is so much more than that. Easy to start, and simple to keep up to date, with this Profile you are able to introduce your kennel, declare your commitments and aims as a breeder, showcase your dogs, advertise your available puppies and planned litters, and so much more...

What are the advantages of having a breeder profile?

There are several advantages, but most of all you can empower your own reputation. And what is even better, is that is in the same place where your available puppies are listed. After all people interested in your puppies will want to learn more about you.

For a very small fee, just a fraction of what building and maintaining a website would cost, you can set it up with just one click. And keeping it up to date and maintaining it requires no technical knowledge and little extra time.

Do you verify the Breeders details?

Wuuff gives you the opportunity to showcase your kennel, and dogs. As much as we would like, we are not capable of verifying the validity of all the details. However we do check for certain information that we can confidently judge as valid or not. But after all, it is the responsibility on the part of the people using our website to confirm that everything is as advertised.

However, if a breeder has a Breeder Profile, it is only approved once we verify all information provided. We do manual checking if necessary, by confirming the phone numbers and registered kennel name provided, as these are the most important information about the breeder relating to trust and honesty.

If a breeder does not have a profile, we still go as far as possible to check the kennel name and phone number but we cannot be as thorough. Therefore we advise all buyers and breeders to focus on the Breeder Profiles to help assure trust.

Do you verify information provided about the dogs?

We are not able to verify more than what is obvious as it would be nearly impossible and certainly very time consuming and expensive. However, if the buyer chooses to reserve or pay for a dog through Wuuff Pay, we will work with both parties to verify that all information provided with the puppy is completely accurate before the puppy leaves the breeder.

Can potential buyers contact me directly?

Yes. When you register you must provide all your contact info (name, phone number, email address). Your puppy description cannot include any contact information. Your website address and facebook page can be found on your Breeder Profile if you have one.

Can anybody reserve or buy my puppies?

Anyone can reserve, but you’re in charge of the future of your puppy, and the final decision is yours. Before proceeding with any transaction we request the visitor to check with the breeder whether the specific puppy is still available and to discuss any details, before finalizing an agreement.

What is Wuuf Pay?

Wuuff Pay is a safe and convenient online payment service. There are many benefits to having your puppy reserved and paid for through Wuuff, even if you are able to meet the buyer in person.

With Wuuff Pay, the deposit, or full payment price, will reach you without any problems after delivery. Before this, you receive the full service and assistance of the Wuuff team to help ensure everything is ready for the transfer of ownership of your puppy. More details here.

What’s the cost of using Wuuff Pay?

The puppy buyer pays the service fee. It is minimum 75 Euro OR 8% of the dog’s price. The service fee covers all transaction fees (credit card processing fee, bank wire fees) and our work to assist you with the purchase, including translation. This fee is payable by the purchaser and nothing will be deducted from the breeder.

How do the reviews work?

Reviews are designed to help you as a breeder to build more trust, and become the puppy buyers first choice. Ratings and reviews are meant to indicate for puppy buyers how helpful and cooperative you are, which is a key factor when choosing a breeder. And they also clearly state that you provide the same dog as reserved, which may seem very obvious, but is an important factor to potential dog owners

After you hand over the dog to the new owner please log into your profile. Go to the dog and click on the ‘Handed Over’ button. This will trigger an email to the new owner to confirm this and give you a review. You will also review the new owner.

Collect good scores from happy new owners to ensure that your next litter will find a new home even faster. Read more about it here

If the buyer lives abroad or far for me, how is the shipping arranged and paid?

If you prefer Wuuff can take care of that too. The buyer can request a quote from us and after accepting it, they can pay with Wuuff Pay. Following that your only concern is rearing your puppy and getting it ready for the trip. We’ll manage all the issues regarding the shipping and leave you free of its worries.

Who can see my ad and in what languages? Is it really international?

Wuuff constantly works on getting out to the widest audience internationally. Wuuff.dog is currently accessible in many languages (English, Italian, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Czech) to make sure your puppies can find a loving owner in many places around the world.

In what language should I advertise?

Wuuff was designed to be used without borders, so we use internationally accepted business terms regarding health screenings, dog show qualifications and such to make them universally understandable. When the breeders introduce their puppies, we give them the option to use short descriptions. If you plan to sell your puppy domestically or abroad, we suggest you use your native tongue and another foreign language. English is always a safe second option to make communication simple for all involved.

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