Ad posting rules

Looking to buy a puppy?
Puppy buying tips

Wuuff’s mission is for reputable dog breeders to connect with responsible dog lovers with trust established by ensuring everything posted is correct, which can be achieved by following these ad rules. All ads go through a review process to ensure they fit in nicely on the site and are appealing. The more complete and precise your ad is, the better the chance that your puppy will move to its new home.

Breeders with an official kennel name

In countries where local regulations do not require a kennel name to be registered, the first litter can be posted without a kennel name on If this is the case, please send copies showing your confirmation of membership to your kennel club, and the litter's official pedigree documentation to

Breeders without a registered kennel name

You may register on our site even if you don't have have a registered kennel name. We will review all available information about you and your kennel and may even request more info to be sure we are only allowing responsible dog breeders to advertise their puppies on our site. Without a registered kennel name, you will not be listed among the breeders here, but your puppy ads will still show. Please always contact us before subscribing to any of our Subscription Plans.

Choose one of our Breeder subscription plans

We offer one subscription with 3 payment terms. Learn more about our Plans and Pricing! Choose the one that best fits your needs.

Only pedigreed, vaccinated and ID chipped dogs at the time of transfer, can be advertised

Wuuff’s purpose is to promote the activity of quality dog breeding, so the site only accepts ads of pedigreed dogs.

The health of all puppies is paramount to us. Therefore you can only advertise puppies that have had all the required vaccinations and dewormings appropriate for their age, and will continue to receive them until the transfer of ownership. Wuuff follows a generally recommended guideline, which is detailed here.

Always post the REAL final price

Like in the entire ad in general, we expect the breeders to disclose valid information and display the real final price for the puppy. Many breeders prefer not to display prices and we know it is a very sensitive topic as well. However we still kindly ask you to do that.

We believe this is good practice for several reasons but most of all you can avoid many unnecessary calls of inquiry, as anybody can see whether or not they can fit your puppy in their budgets. It is best to settle the finances at the start, so nobody gets a surprise later.

To avoid any misunderstandings, do not add extra items or costs AFTER you are contacted about a puppy, with the exception of shipping fees. Include everything when you post the ad so you can avoid any suspicions that cause the enquirer to go elsewhere.

ONE ad should contain just ONE dog

To ensure the ads are transparent and identifiable, was designed to display one dog at a time. Rest assured, you can post an entire litter, each pup with an individual ad, in a matter of minutes. Find a video tutorial here.

In the ad, display the specific puppy where it asks for the puppy’s photo

Please don’t upload a photo of a whole litter because nobody will know which dog is looking for an owner. Take separate pictures of each puppy that’s intended to go to a new home.

Give a unique name to your dog

Definitely give your puppy an individual name like Elischa, Argos, Zodiac, etc. Avoid generic naming, such as Fpups, Male2, Bitch1 or 3rd Litter because these ads will get deleted during moderation.

Interested people find it much more appealing and trustworthy if they see puppies with individual names. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Would you rather get a dog from someone who slaps a Male1 on a puppy or from a breeder who cares enough to name each member of their litter?

Add a description for the puppy

In the description, only provide details about the advertised puppy’s unique qualities (look, behavior, character) and its suggested purpose (show, hobby, sport, etc.). You can also briefly describe the breed if it’s relatively unknown.

Do not enter a url, phone number or an entire litter because that will cause the consequent deletion of the ad. Under “Breeder’s Settings” you have the appropriate place to add those pieces of info too, so they’ll get displayed the right way. We make sure the visitors will reach you.

Upload the parents’ data (minimum an image and a name)

The first thing people searching for puppies will do is to look at the parents. Always enter the parents’ names and upload a photo of each. Naturally, you have the option to input additional information too (show rankings, health screenings, description); it’s entirely up to you how you take advantage of the opportunity. Our system will rank ads higher that include information about the parents.

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