Wuuff was created with the goal of connecting ethical breeders with people that want to responsibly choose and own a dog. This commitment is part of how we take our share of the fight against all animal welfare issues caused by the practices of Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders.

In order to achieve this mission we ask, and would expect, that every person who is planning to be a dog owner, whether they find their new dog on Wuuff or elsewhere, to accept and abide by the moral standards stated in our Code of Ethics below.

Puppy Owner Code of Ethics

I understand that the dog is not a product of mass production, but a living creature.

I am committed to the future as a responsible dog owner. Before choosing a dog, I will consider the following:

  • the breed characteristics,
  • challenges associated with caring for the breed,
  • and any diseases which may be typical for the breed. I will learn about the breed through multiple channels (veterinarians, breeders, etc).

From the information received I will judge whether I am capable to assume the obligations of the selected breed.

I will be honest and truthful as to what purpose I want to buy a dog (home dog, exhibitions, guarding, etc.).

I am aware that the breeder will be the most knowledgeable about the breed, therefore I understand that if the dog ​​is chosen for a purpose other than that in which I stated, then the dog may not be suitable for this. (e.g. large and slow for any kind of agility sport, etc.).

I will undertake to prepare my home and people therein before the arrival of the dog. I will ensure all household members have agreed to the homing of the dog and will be aware of the distinctive characteristics and probable behavior of the breed. I will make my home safe and will ensure the dog is safe both with members of the household, and with outsiders (e.g. secure fencing and home boundaries). I will also be ready for the arrival of the dog (dog supplies, dog food, etc.).

I understand that screening does not provide a 100% guarantee regarding the health of the offspring. I understand, that besides all the currently available health screenings the dog can become ill, despite the most careful care possible by breeder.

I agree to provide a proper environment to maintain the dog’s health, including:

  • Nutrition relevant to the breed and the age of the dog,
  • Physical activities suitable for the breed and the age of the dog.
  • Regular veterinarian checks
  • When any health issues are detected, I will take my dog to the vet immediately

I understand that lack of training, mental and social activities is likely to cause behavioral issues.

In any case of a problem with the dog arising in the future, I will inform the breeder.

If there is any unexpected change of circumstances in my personal life and, I am no longer capable of keeping the dog, I will immediately inform the breeder. I will under no condition leave the dog on the street.

If paid through Wuuff, I will undertake the ratings procedure provided by wuuff.dog for the benefit of others. When completing the review of the breeder, I will present honest and accurate opinions, based on real facts (whether positive or negative).

I declare that I accept, and consider myself bound, by the Code of Ethics.

The Code of Ethics is current as of (April 18, 2018) and enters into force at this time. Any withdrawal or amendment is valid.

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