Black Male

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Champion parents iconRoditelji šampioni
Rođen: 8. децембар 2024.
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  • microchipMikročip
  • vaccinationVakcinacija
  • petPassportPasoš za ljubimce
  • birthCertificateRodovnik
  • deWormingDehelmintizacija
  • vaccinationBookletKnjižica o vakcinaciji
  • pedigreePedigre
  • healthCertificateZdravstveno uverenje
  • exportPedigreeEksportni rodovnik
  • breederGuaranteeGarancija odgajivača

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Chicavallo Vanilla

Prikaži ishod

Junior Champion
Prvak rase
Najlepši pas na izložbi
Najlepši pas rase suprotnog pola

Sistematski pregled

Nema displaziju lakta
Nema displaziju kukova
Nema progresivnu atrofiju retine
Nema probleme sa patelom
Nema srčanih problema
Nema probleme sa bubrezima
Nema Von Vilebrandovu bolest

Detalji o odgajivaču

Pudla - velika - Chicavallo Kennel

Chicavallo Kennel

(Nema recenzija)

Chicavallo Kennel

Bartók Orsolya

član od 2. 7. 2018.
VerificationIme odgajivačnice: potvrđeno
VerificationBroj telefona: potvrđen
+36 203****** Pogledaj
Odgajam pse 11 godine, od 2014. Član sam Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
We are happy to introduce you to our family of Standard Poodles, Chinese Cresteds and Border Collies. If you are searching for a sound, intelligent, non-allergenic family companion or an outstanding show or breeding dog you are in the right place! We take pride in providing the best start in life for our puppies. For the puppies’ first few weeks, they spend their time solely with their mother and us keeping the mother relaxed and happy. This ensures that she can provide them with the best nourishment. At 4-5 weeks of age we move them to a penned-in area in our living room so they can start socializing and interacting with people. They even get supervised outdoor time – fresh air is good for puppies as well as children. We also crate-train our puppies starting at 8 weeks of age. When your puppy is ready to join your family, you can be confident that he or she has had the absolute best start in life. Our commitment to the health and well being of our puppy doesn’t end when you take your new friend home. We are available by phone or email if you need help with growing pains or adjustments. Your questions are always welcome so never feel shy about picking up the phone to call. No question is insignificant. We want you to be confident that should your circumstances change and you can’t keep your puppy, we will help you re-home him or her. You can contact us byViber and Whatsapp too.
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Platite bez brige kroz Wuuff

Niste u mogućnosti da dođete do moje odgajivačnice? Shvatam da nije uvek moguće da vidite štence uživo pre nego što ih kupite, naročito ako živite daleko. Zato uvek možete da izaberete prikladnu opciju plaćanja preko Wuuff-a. Izaberite bezbedno plaćanje Saznajte više…
Budite prvi koji će ostaviti ocenu

Rejting odgajivača je određen na osnovu pravih ocena verifikovanih kupaca nakon kupovine.

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