• Contatti

  • Su di me

  • I nostri cani

  • Cuccioli

  • Cucciolate in arrivo

La mia storia

Allevo cani da 10 anni, dal 2014. Sono un membro di Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Hello everyone from the Steel Wing Bullz kennel! Our family has been breeding french bulldogs for a few years but our love for dogs, the breeding, it goes all the way back to our childhood (before that Grate Danes made our daily lives more beautiful). At that time our daughter didn’t leave us alone until we bought a dog and we soon realized that you can’t resist these little adorable chubby, paunchy, bat eared, silly pigs and all of a sudden we found ourselves surrounded by more and more of these four-legged family members. They are wonderful creatures, loyal, and every one of them has separate individuality, although they are stubborn and thin skinned sometimes, but even with that, they can only put a smile on our face, therefore, comparing all their personality, we can say that they make our lives more beautiful. Our kennel has colorful dogs, our goal is to have the most beautiful, special and of course healthy little ones come in to the world here with us. Why exactly the colored frenchies? The answer is simple…We like these colors more and their breeding is also more challenging. Regardless of the color of their fur, they are the same bulldogs as any other standard French bulldog. If you want a French bulldog in your home, your heart, to whom you will be the most important in the world, contact us with confidence, we hope you will find the perfect puppy for you. Évi and Laci

Galleria foto

Le mie responsabilità

  • Sul padre e la madre sono stati effettuati gli esami di salute applicabili come consigliato per questa razza dal Parent Club.
  • Fornisco una garanzia sulla salute per i cuccioli che vendo.
  • Fornirò un atto di vendita scritto che delucidi le responsabilità per acquirente e venditore.
  • Fornirò all'acquirente le informazioni su integrazione, esercizio, allenamento, nutrizione, vaccinazione, cure veterinarie appropriate e titolarità responsabile del cane.
  • Domando che ogni richiedente riempa un modulo per assicurarmi che i miei cani e le mie razze siano perfettamente adatti alla nuova famiglia.
  • Preferisco mantenere i contatti con il nuovo padrone per essere aggiornato sul cane e vedere come cresce.

Cani venduti

Noah - Bulldog francese Cucciolo in venditaNoah - Bulldog francese Cucciolo in vendita
male iconMaschio
15 mesi




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