• Kontakt

  • Über mich

  • Meine Hunde

  • Welpen

  • Erwartete Würfe

Meine Geschichte

Ich züchte Hunde seit 3 Jahren, seit 2021. Ich bin Mitglied im Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Welcome to HOSHIBARU Kennel. We founded our kennel in 2020 with the aim of creating a well-known and recognized Shiba Inu breed in Hungary. Our kennel based in Debrecen was registered in 2022, FCI registration number: 366/2022. We keep our dogs in a family home environment, in pack spirit. Our kennels do not have bars or cages or concrete slabs. There are grassy and wooded areas where we play games, do sports and have a lot of fun. For us, dogs are family members and companions. They are companions in our everyday life, leisure time, sports programs, as well as in our joys and sorrows. We pay a lot of attention to the professional training and proper socialization of our Shiba dogs, as well as the development and preservation of their physical and mental condition. It is also important to regularly visit dog shows and club events, and to compete with our Shiba at exhibitions. Our professional friends with extensive experience in the world of dog training and exhibitions also help us in this work. The founder of our kennel is György Csillag. His attachment to nature and dogs was imprinted in his childhood. He met the Shiba breed in 2018 during a dog walk. It was love at first sight. That’s when the thought came to him that one fine day he would deal with Shiba Inu dogs. This great commitment came true in 2020, when he became the owner of our kennel’s first Shiba dog. Since then, we have continued our work systematically, sparing no time and energy in order to achieve the best possible breeding results. Our breeding philosophy is simple: only with the power of nature. What this means in practice: we do not interfere in the reproductive cycle of breeding pairs in any artificial way or by any means. We only use natural hedges. We strive to minimize inbreeding and, if possible, eliminate it completely. We do not assist in the birth of offspring, only fully viable individuals survive. We entrust the care of the puppies entirely to the mothers, but we pay special attention to the maximum service of our mothers and ensure their complete well-being. This challenge can only be achieved with a lot of learning, experience, humility and patience. We are ready for this great job. Get to know our dogs, let’s be lucky! Thank you for your kind attention!


Meine Pflichten

  • Die entsprechenden Gesundheitsuntersuchungen wurden an Vater und Mutter durchgeführt, wie vom Parent Club für diese Rasse empfohlen.
  • Wenn der Käufer einen von mir gekauften Welpen nicht behalten kann, nehme ich den Welpen unter allen Bedingungen zurück.
  • Ich stelle eine Gesundheitsgarantie für die Welpen, die ich anbiete.
  • Ich stelle einen schriftlichen Kaufvertrag mit detaillierten Verantwortlichkeiten für den Käufer und den Verkäufer bereit.
  • Ich werde dem Käufer Informationen über Sozialisation, Übungen, Training, Fütterung, Impfungen, angemessene tierärztliche Versorgung und verantwortlichen Hundebesitz geben.
  • Ich fordere jeden Bewerber auf, einen Antrag zu stellen, um sicherzustellen, dass meine Rasse und Hunde zu der neuen Familie passen.
  • Ich würde gerne mit dem neuen besitzer in Kontakt bleiben, damit ich das Wohl und die Entwicklung des Hundes verfolgen kann.
  • Ich nehme regelmäßig an Fortbildungen teil, um mich als Züchter zu verbessern.


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