Borka Anikó
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Gingers Heritage

Borka Anikó

Mitglied seit 1.8.2020


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Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete icon
Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete
8 Jahre (seit 2017)
Ich spreche
Englisch, Deutsch
  • Über mich

  • Meine Hunde

  • Welpen

  • Erwartete Würfe

Meine Geschichte

Ich züchte Hunde seit 8 Jahren, seit 2017. Ich bin Mitglied im Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Welcome to my dog breeding site! I have been a dog enthusiast since childhood, and my passion has only grown over the years. With my first Border Collie, who often accompanied me to school, I quickly realized that these herding dogs are extremely intelligent and easy to train. I have been breeding dogs since 2017, and I live on a beautiful 24-hectare estate in the southern part of Hungary. I breed Border Collies and Australian Shepherds, and our youngest family member, Kende, is also a dog lover. He is particularly fond of Welsh Corgi Pembrokes, so our breeding program has expanded to include a few adorable Corgis as well. Kende is a very skilled junior handler, presenting our dogs at shows where he regularly achieves excellent results. He often secures top placements in junior handler competitions. I am a member of the National Association of Hungarian Dog Breeders, the Hungarian Collie, Sheltie, and Corgi Breeders Association, and the English and Australian Shepherd Club Association. Additionally, I proudly serve as a board member of the Southern Great Plain Association of Dog Breeders and Hobby Dog Owners. I spend every spare moment with my dogs, who bring me immense love and joy. My goal is to share my love and knowledge of dogs with as many people as possible and help them find the perfect companion. In breeding, I have set the following important goals: Health and Well-being: My primary goal is to breed healthy dogs free from genetic diseases. I regularly conduct health screenings and only include dogs in the breeding program that meet the highest health standards. Excellent Temperament: It is important to me that the dogs I breed are friendly, balanced, and well-socialized. I aim to raise dogs that are ideal companions for families and perform well in various jobs and sports. High Workability: Since these are herding dogs, I pay special attention to maintaining their excellent workability. This includes intelligence, learning ability, and work ethic, which are essential for herding dogs. Preservation of Breed Characteristics: I find it important that my dogs conform to the breed standard in both appearance and behavior. I strive to preserve and pass on the breed traits so that my dogs are the best representatives of their breed. Thoughtful Pairings: I always carefully consider pairings, taking into account genetic background, individual traits, and desired goals. This ensures that the offspring possess the best possible qualities. Continuous Development and Learning: I regularly participate in breeder training, seminars, and dog events to stay updated with the latest research, techniques, and trends. This ensures that I perform the highest level of breeding work. These goals guide my daily work to raise the highest quality and most lovable dogs possible. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you will discover the wonder of dogs here!
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Meine Pflichten

  • Die entsprechenden Gesundheitsuntersuchungen wurden an Vater und Mutter durchgeführt, wie vom Parent Club für diese Rasse empfohlen.
  • Wenn der Käufer einen von mir gekauften Welpen nicht behalten kann, nehme ich den Welpen unter allen Bedingungen zurück.
  • Ich stelle eine Gesundheitsgarantie für die Welpen, die ich anbiete.
  • Ich stelle einen schriftlichen Kaufvertrag mit detaillierten Verantwortlichkeiten für den Käufer und den Verkäufer bereit.
  • Ich werde dem Käufer Informationen über Sozialisation, Übungen, Training, Fütterung, Impfungen, angemessene tierärztliche Versorgung und verantwortlichen Hundebesitz geben.
  • Ich fordere jeden Bewerber auf, einen Antrag zu stellen, um sicherzustellen, dass meine Rasse und Hunde zu der neuen Familie passen.
  • Ich würde gerne mit dem neuen besitzer in Kontakt bleiben, damit ich das Wohl und die Entwicklung des Hundes verfolgen kann.
  • Ich nehme regelmäßig an Fortbildungen teil, um mich als Züchter zu verbessern.


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