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  • Meine Hunde

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  • Erwartete Würfe

Meine Geschichte

Ich züchte Hunde seit 34 Jahren, seit 1990. Ich bin Mitglied im Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
My name is Erzsébet Mária Biber, I was born in Hungary. Since I was born my best friend and my babysitter was the dog! I almost grew up without a family but the dog wasn’t only my friend but my teacher, because who I am and what I do is because of them, so I know it since I was a child that I interested in the most in the whole world is that I want to learn how to speak with them and help them to navigate in the human world. That’s why I do psychology, communication and nurtur what serve their health and I also train them! Through the trainings I met a lot of sick dog who originates from backyard breeders thats why I started breeding so I can reduce that issue! I opened dog centers, dog schools, I do summer camps so me and my team works for that can became true and it required the breeding! Because I am Hungarian I breed Mudis and for a small breed I breed Pomeranians. The Hungarian Mudi is because I would like to spread this intelligent and adaptable Hungarian breed that hardly known and loved. The Pomeranian is bred by me because the people doesn’t know how to keep and train the miniature dogs, so I breed them to show the people how healthy, balanced and happy the miniature dogs can be. Thereby the puppies born at me we give particular attention to the socialization, the communication and when they go to their new homes it will be a positive experience and not cause them a mental breakage, that’s why we don’t hurry to sell our puppies, causing some argument, but the experiences and the feedback shows us that the dogs born here are more stable and balanced in their new environment!
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