
card paymentSa rodovnikom
Rođen: 30. јул 2021.
Blue merle tan female looking for new home. blue merle tan lány keresi otthonát.
Šta sve ide uz:
  • microchipMikročip
  • vaccinationVakcinacija
  • petPassportPasoš za ljubimce
  • birthCertificateRodovnik
  • deWormingDehelmintizacija
  • vaccinationBookletKnjižica o vakcinaciji
  • healthCertificateZdravstveno uverenje
  • breederGuaranteeGarancija odgajivača

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Detalji o odgajivaču

Francuski buldog - Bihon Bulls

Bihon Bulls

(Nema recenzija)

Bihon Bulls

Bihon Eszter

član od 22.11.2020.
VerificationIme odgajivačnice: potvrđeno
VerificationBroj telefona: potvrđen
+36 209****** Pogledaj
Odgajam pse 9 godine, od 2016. Član sam Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
We are one of the breeders who have the most beautiful dogs in Hungary. We have selected breeds. We breed dogs under constant medical supervision to ensure that the puppies have a quality life. Their beautiful shiny hair shows the health of their immune system. You can choose from the most beautiful dogs. We are in constant contact with our customers. Heath'sprice is all inclusive: pet passport, shipment cost to your closest airport, new travel crate, microchip, vet check before flight, health guarantee and health certificate. I accept PayPal. For more information please write to me e-mail or call me. I'm available on Whatsapp, Facebook and Viber. I have lot of references. They are coming from excellent checkable bloodline. Our French Bulldogs are AKC registerable. Website: Instagram: Phone:0036209412826
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