• Contatti

  • Su di me

  • I nostri cani

  • Cuccioli

  • Cucciolate in arrivo

La mia storia

Allevo cani da un anno, dal 2023. Sono un membro di Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
I am Mária Schné-Tóth. I am the mother of five children. Together with my family, we run a farm where, alongside dogs, numerous other animals live. I founded my kennel in 2023, fulfilling an old dream of mine. My love for dogs has been with me since infancy; I have always been surrounded by dogs. I have had and currently have various dogs, most of them being rescues. When our eldest daughter wanted one for herself nine years ago, we looked for a dog that could live with us in our home and share the room with her. That's why we chose a little Chihuahua, rescued from heartless breeders, who was only six weeks old at the time and came from a shelter. We had to fight for her survival, but we succeeded. She turned into a truly energetic, tireless, food-driven, fearless lady who adores people. She was our first Chihuahua puppy, and it was because of her that I decided to breed Chihuahuas. I acquired my first breeding dogs, Panka and Zion. Meanwhile, other dogs also moved into the house, including Zsuzska, a Yorkshire Terrier mix also rescued from a shelter. We passed the therapy dog-handler exam together, and since then, we have been visiting kindergartens, schools, and homes. I was so impressed with Zsuzska's preparation for the therapy exam that it led me to obtain a certification as a habilitation dog trainer. I hope that the puppies who originate from my kennel bring as many beautiful experiences to their future owners as I receive from my own dogs!

Galleria foto

Le mie responsabilità

  • Sul padre e la madre sono stati effettuati gli esami di salute applicabili come consigliato per questa razza dal Parent Club.
  • Fornirò un atto di vendita scritto che delucidi le responsabilità per acquirente e venditore.
  • Fornirò all'acquirente le informazioni su integrazione, esercizio, allenamento, nutrizione, vaccinazione, cure veterinarie appropriate e titolarità responsabile del cane.
  • Preferisco mantenere i contatti con il nuovo padrone per essere aggiornato sul cane e vedere come cresce.


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