• Contatti

  • Su di me

  • I nostri cani

  • Cuccioli

  • Cucciolate in arrivo

La mia storia

Sono un membro di American Kennel Club.
Hello everyone my name is Teddy Yorkshires are my love, Miniature American Shepherds are my passion ! I visit dog shows since 2006 , and in 2008 is my first litter of Yorkshires, this is how magic began .. true the years i have a lot champions , inter champion even world champion , i fall in love of merle aussie and that how aussies and mas appeared in my life … I had my first MAS from USA ( where we partly live in ) and from her first litter our kennel had Puppy Winner and Junior World Winner which make us so proud and show us that we are on right way of perfection

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