• Contatti

  • Su di me

  • I nostri cani

  • Cuccioli

  • Cucciolate in arrivo

La mia storia

Allevo cani da 8 anni, dal 2016. Sono un membro di Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
My name is Anita Orosz Gyuráczné, and I am involved in dog breeding. Animals have been an essential part of my life since I was six years old. My parents were also engaged in dog breeding, and it was then that I fell in love with this wonderful world. One of my dreams was to focus on breeding Standard Poodles, and today I can proudly say that I am living my dream. For me, Standard Poodles are the perfect dog breed, and I am determined to contribute to their breeding. As a passionate dog enthusiast, I do everything to provide my dogs with the best possible life and care. My principles, what I believe in? Here in our breeding, family and quality are always at the forefront. We believe that a dog should not only be an animal but also a family member. For this reason, we dedicate special attention to each puppy and raise them with love. Quality is very important to us, so we only use healthy dogs with good character traits that match the breed standard. We regularly take the parents to the veterinarian to ensure they are healthy and genetically sound. The selection of dogs with unique character traits for breeding is not only important to preserve the breed's genetic characteristics but also to bring happiness to new families. Therefore, we pay great attention to ensuring that the puppies have good character traits and personalities and will bring happiness and love to their families in the long run. The breeding process is always a learning process for us, where we strive to create the best possible quality of dogs. Training dogs is very important to us and brings us much joy and happiness through the shared time and work with them. Every puppy is unique and special to us, and we look forward to them finding their new home and family. Finally, we are committed to giving each puppy the best life we can offer them. We believe that responsible breeding, attention, love, and care can provide all of us with a happier life - for us and for the dogs alike.
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Le mie responsabilità

  • Sul padre e la madre sono stati effettuati gli esami di salute applicabili come consigliato per questa razza dal Parent Club.
  • Se l'acquirente non può tenere un cucciolo che ha acquistato da me, lo riprenderò indietro in qualsiasi circostanza.
  • Fornisco una garanzia sulla salute per i cuccioli che vendo.
  • Fornirò un atto di vendita scritto che delucidi le responsabilità per acquirente e venditore.
  • Fornirò all'acquirente le informazioni su integrazione, esercizio, allenamento, nutrizione, vaccinazione, cure veterinarie appropriate e titolarità responsabile del cane.
  • Domando che ogni richiedente riempa un modulo per assicurarmi che i miei cani e le mie razze siano perfettamente adatti alla nuova famiglia.
  • Preferisco mantenere i contatti con il nuovo padrone per essere aggiornato sul cane e vedere come cresce.
  • Partecipo regolarmente a delle lezioni per continuare a migliorare come allevatore.

Cani venduti

Blanca - Barbone grande mole Cucciolo in venditaBlanca - Barbone grande mole Cucciolo in vendita
female iconFemmina
9 mesi




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