Gingers Heritage Mulberry

card paymentCon pedigree
Nascita: March 3, 2024
Engedd meg, hogy bemutassam ezt az elbűvölő, 3 hónapos ausztrál juhász kisfiút, aki nem csak gyönyörű megjelenésével, hanem kivételes jellemével is elvarázsol mindenkit. Mulberry játékos és jó természetű kis csoda, kiváló törzskönyvvel rendelkezik, amely büszkén viseli ősei díjnyertes vérvonalát. Már most látszik rajta, hogy a legjobb társ lesz, hiszen a megfelelő szocializációnak köszönhetően remekül kijön más kutyákkal és emberekkel egyaránt. gyermekekhez van szoktatva, így garantáltan megtalálja a közös hangot a család legkisebb tagjaival is, akiket végtelen szeretetével és játékosságával fog elkápráztatni. Kölyökkutyánk szülei kiváló egészségügyi szűréseken estek át, így biztos lehetsz benne, hogy egy egészséges, élettel teli társat fogadsz otthonodba. ez a kis ausztrál juhász már alig várja, hogy új családra találjon, ahol vidámságával és kedvességével beragyoghatja a mindennapokat. Legyen szó egy hosszú játszadozásról a kertben vagy egy meghitt összebújásról a kanapén, ő mindig készen áll arra, hogy örömet szerezzen neked. fogadd szeretettel ezt a csodálatos kis kölyköt, aki már nagyon várja, hogy a te családod hűséges és odaadó tagja lehessen. let me introduce you to this charming 3-month-old australian shepherd boy, who enchants everyone not only with his beautiful appearance but also with his exceptional character. Mulberry is a playful, good-natured little wonder with an excellent pedigree that proudly carries the award-winning lineage of his ancestors. It's already evident that he will be the best companion, as he gets along great with other dogs and people, thanks to proper socialization. he is accustomed to children, so he will surely find common ground with the youngest members of the family, enchanting them with his boundless love and playfulness. The parents of our puppy have undergone excellent health screenings, so you can be sure that you are welcoming a healthy, lively companion into your home. this little australian shepherd can’t wait to find a new family where he can brighten up everyday life with his cheerfulness and kindness. Whether it's a long play session in the garden or a cozy cuddle on the couch, he is always ready to bring joy to you. welcome this wonderful little puppy with open arms, who is eagerly waiting to become a loyal and devoted member of your family.
Incluso nel prezzo:
  • microchipMicrochip
  • vaccinationVaccinazione
  • petPassportPassaporto
  • deWormingSverminazione
  • vaccinationBookletLibretto vaccinazioni
  • pedigreePedigree
  • healthCertificateVisita veterinaria
  • exportPedigreeExport pedigree
  • breederGuaranteeGaranzia dell'allevatore

Informazioni sui genitori

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Dati dell'allevatore

Australian Shepherd - Gingers Heritage

Gingers Heritage

(Ancora senza valutazione)

Gingers Heritage

Borka Anikó

Membro dal 8/1/2020
VerificationNome dell'allevamento: verificato
VerificationTelefono: verificato
+36 307****** Visualizza
Allevo cani da 7 anni, dal 2017. Sono un membro di Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Welcome to my dog breeding site! I have been a dog enthusiast since childhood, and my passion has only grown over the years. With my first Border Collie, who often accompanied me to school, I quickly realized that these herding dogs are extremely intelligent and easy to train. I have been breeding dogs since 2017, and I live on a beautiful 24-hectare estate in the southern part of Hungary. I breed Border Collies and Australian Shepherds, and our youngest family member, Kende, is also a dog lover. He is particularly fond of Welsh Corgi Pembrokes, so our breeding program has expanded to include a few adorable Corgis as well. Kende is a very skilled junior handler, presenting our dogs at shows where he regularly achieves excellent results. He often secures top placements in junior handler competitions. I am a member of the National Association of Hungarian Dog Breeders, the Hungarian Collie, Sheltie, and Corgi Breeders Association, and the English and Australian Shepherd Club Association. Additionally, I proudly serve as a board member of the Southern Great Plain Association of Dog Breeders and Hobby Dog Owners. I spend every spare moment with my dogs, who bring me immense love and joy. My goal is to share my love and knowledge of dogs with as many people as possible and help them find the perfect companion. In breeding, I have set the following important goals: Health and Well-being: My primary goal is to breed healthy dogs free from genetic diseases. I regularly conduct health screenings and only include dogs in the breeding program that meet the highest health standards. Excellent Temperament: It is important to me that the dogs I breed are friendly, balanced, and well-socialized. I aim to raise dogs that are ideal companions for families and perform well in various jobs and sports. High Workability: Since these are herding dogs, I pay special attention to maintaining their excellent workability. This includes intelligence, learning ability, and work ethic, which are essential for herding dogs. Preservation of Breed Characteristics: I find it important that my dogs conform to the breed standard in both appearance and behavior. I strive to preserve and pass on the breed traits so that my dogs are the best representatives of their breed. Thoughtful Pairings: I always carefully consider pairings, taking into account genetic background, individual traits, and desired goals. This ensures that the offspring possess the best possible qualities. Continuous Development and Learning: I regularly participate in breeder training, seminars, and dog events to stay updated with the latest research, techniques, and trends. This ensures that I perform the highest level of breeding work. These goals guide my daily work to raise the highest quality and most lovable dogs possible. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you will discover the wonder of dogs here!
Traduci in Italiano

La scelta giusta

Scegliere un cucciolo di cane è una decisione molto importante nella vita. I primi passi possono risultare complicati, ma non rinunciare mai!

Wuuff è accanto a te per aiutarti a fare la cosa giusta.


  1. Assicurati che la razza scelta sia ben adatta al tuo stile di vita. Fai una vita attiva? Hai figli? Allergie? Un giardino? Pensi di portarlo alle mostre canine? Queste sono alcune delle domande che ti aiutano a decidere e a scegliere con sicurezza la razza giusta per te.
  2. Prendi informazioni sui problemi di salute della razza prescelta. Scegli il cucciolo di genitori che dispongono di adeguati controlli sanitari.
  3. Guarda le foto dei genitori e i loro risultati alle mostre. Non è importante solo se scegli il cucciolo per allevamento o per le mostre, ricordatelo sempre! Buoni risultati ottenuti alle mostre rispecchiano le caratteristiche dell’aspetto e del carattere tipiche della razza. Ti darà un’idea di come sarà il tuo cucciolo da adulto.
  4. All’età di 6-8 settimane si ha chiaro come sarà da grande il cucciolo, sia per quanto riguarda l’aspetto che per il comportamento.


Il sito ti garantisce in un posto tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per scegliere il tuo cucciolo. Quando guardi le foto di tutti questi cuccioli adorabili, considera quanto segue per una giusta decisione:

  • Qualità e numero delle valutazioni dell’allevatore
  • Descrizione del cucciolo e dei suoi genitori effettuata dall’allevatore
  • Controlli sanitari e risultati delle mostre canine dei genitori
  • Cosa include esattamente il prezzo del cucciolo (vaccinazioni, sverminazione, chip, pedigree, ecc.)

Dopo aver esaminato per bene i cuccioli secondo i criteri di cui sopra, salva i tuoi cani preferiti nell’elenco dei favoriti.

Ora è giunto il momento di chiamare gli allevatori dei cuccioli che hai selezionato, poni loro tutte le eventuali domande e poi prendi la grande decisione!


Scegliere il tuo cucciolo dovrebbe essere un'esperienza divertente e tranquilla. È per questo che rendiamo disponibili tutte le informazioni nello stesso posto... eliminando confusione e dandoti sicurezza.

Prenota il tuo cucciolo su Wuuff per condividere la tua esperienza con altri amanti dei cani attraverso una valutazione onesta dell'allevatore e di tutto il procedimento.

Se ti blocchi in qualche punto rivolgiti pure a noi. Inviaci un’e-mail o chiamaci, saremo lieti di aiutarti.

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