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  • Nos chiens

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Mon histoire

J'élève des chiens depuis un an, depuis 2023. Je suis un membre de Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
I am Mária Schné-Tóth. I am the mother of five children. Together with my family, we run a farm where, alongside dogs, numerous other animals live. I founded my kennel in 2023, fulfilling an old dream of mine. My love for dogs has been with me since infancy; I have always been surrounded by dogs. I have had and currently have various dogs, most of them being rescues. When our eldest daughter wanted one for herself nine years ago, we looked for a dog that could live with us in our home and share the room with her. That's why we chose a little Chihuahua, rescued from heartless breeders, who was only six weeks old at the time and came from a shelter. We had to fight for her survival, but we succeeded. She turned into a truly energetic, tireless, food-driven, fearless lady who adores people. She was our first Chihuahua puppy, and it was because of her that I decided to breed Chihuahuas. I acquired my first breeding dogs, Panka and Zion. Meanwhile, other dogs also moved into the house, including Zsuzska, a Yorkshire Terrier mix also rescued from a shelter. We passed the therapy dog-handler exam together, and since then, we have been visiting kindergartens, schools, and homes. I was so impressed with Zsuzska's preparation for the therapy exam that it led me to obtain a certification as a habilitation dog trainer. I hope that the puppies who originate from my kennel bring as many beautiful experiences to their future owners as I receive from my own dogs!

Galerie photos

Mes Engagements

  • Les examens de santé en vigueur ont été effectués sur le père et la mère tels que recommandés par le Club des Parents pour cette race.
  • Je fournirai un acte de vente écrit détaillant les responsabilités de l'acheteur et du vendeur.
  • Je fournirai à l'acheteur du chiot des informations sur la sociabilité, les exercices, la formation et l'alimentation, ainsi que les vaccinations et les soins vétérinaires appropriés, et comment être un propriétaire de chien responsable.
  • Je souhaite rester en contact avec les nouveaux propriétaires pour m'assurer que mes chiens sont heureux et qu'ils grandissent dans les meilleures conditions.


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