J'élève des chiens depuis 15 ans, depuis 2010. Je suis un membre de Irish Kennel Club.
Since i was a little child, i remember myself living with animals. That was basically my childhood, being very happy because my dogs were healthy, well cared, strong and happy too.
Breeding bases:
Physical characteristics are important but never more than the health. My job about the dog’s breeding is always supervised by the best professional veterinaries who put attention even in the genetics. We do only breed those animal who are totally free of diseases and hereditary ills. Our puppies will reach the new families not only healthy and in perfect condicions but aswell with microchip, passport and totally vaccinated.
Health and cares:
Frech bulldog is a specially sensitive breed but it does not mean that our frenchy is a potencial health problems living. Along the years, due to and thanks to non professional breeders and amateur people without the neccessary knowledges who avoids the research, it has brought as a result dogs without the optimal health requirements. It is absolutely terrible to see how there are people converting the breeding into an industry. For us the research is fundamental and we do provide a pre and post care service. Our phone is available 24/7, always at your disposal.
Our little ones are totally involved in the family daily life such us journeys by car, walking in the city, share time and games with the kids. They are all well trained before arriving to their new homes. Remember the most important word for us… our puppies reach a FAMILY not an owner!!
Roland Tölösi – ThuglifeKennel founder
Les examens de santé en vigueur ont été effectués sur le père et la mère tels que recommandés par le Club des Parents pour cette race.
Si un acheteur ne peut pas garder un chiot acheté chez moi, je reprendrai le chiot sans condition.
Je fournis un Certificat de Santé pour les chiots que je vends.
Je fournirai un acte de vente écrit détaillant les responsabilités de l'acheteur et du vendeur.
Je fournirai à l'acheteur du chiot des informations sur la sociabilité, les exercices, la formation et l'alimentation, ainsi que les vaccinations et les soins vétérinaires appropriés, et comment être un propriétaire de chien responsable.
Je souhaite rester en contact avec les nouveaux propriétaires pour m'assurer que mes chiens sont heureux et qu'ils grandissent dans les meilleures conditions.
Je participe régulièrement à des formations afin d'améliorer continuellement mes pratiques d'élevage.
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