Jelly Bean Prima Fortis

card paymentAvec Pedigree
Champion parents iconDes parents champions
Date de naissance : November 19, 2023
cheerful, open and playful
Articles inclus:
  • microchipPuce
  • vaccinationles vaccinations
  • petPassportPasseport de l'Animal
  • deWormingDéparasitage
  • vaccinationBookletCarnet de vaccinations
  • pedigreePedigree
  • exportPedigreePedigree pour l'Export

Informations sur les parents

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Frida Prima Fortis

Résultats du concours

Champion junior
Champion de concours
Meilleur de race
Meilleur chien de sexe opposé

Examens de santé

Pas de dysplasie du coude (ED)
Pas de dysplasie de la hanche (HD)
Strong female, very beautiful strong and regular head, dark eye, scissor strong teeth. Ears well set and carried, well set neck. Good angles and stance, well connected movement. note: data from breeding examination young champion of croatia

Données de l'éleveur

Schnauzer géant - Prima Fortis

Prima Fortis

(Pas encore d'avis)

Prima Fortis

Spomenka Crnoja

Membre depuis le 4/4/2024
VerificationNom du Chenil: vérifié
VerificationNuméro de téléphone: vérifié
+385 997****** Aperçu
J'élève des chiens depuis 11 ans, depuis 2013. Je suis un membre de Hrvatski Kinološki Savez.
Prima Fortis was founded in 2013 as a kennel with registry number 82/13 at F.C.I. Over the past ten years, our kennel has proudly provided ten litters of puppies, all from purebred parents with outstanding working abilities and exhibition beauty that have been awarded at national and international exhibitions. Our approach to breeding is based on the responsibility, care and love of all members of our family for our pets. In addition, ensuring excellent living conditions for our dogs is high on our priority list. We are proud of the excellent communication we maintain with the new owners of our dogs, which has resulted in numerous friendships that have arisen from this interaction. We hope that our dogs will find new homes in families that will give them love, attention and treat them as full members of the family. This is extremely important to us, we strive to ensure that every dog finds a happy home where they will feel loved and respected.
Traduire en Français

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