Joyce valensamare fg is a playful female who loves human attention and cuddles. In appearance and character, she is a typical representative of the breed with a strong constitution.
Articles inclus:
les vaccinations
Passeport de l'Animal
Certificat de Naissance
Carnet de vaccinations
Certificat de Santé
Pedigree pour l'Export
Garantie Éleveur
Informations sur les parents
St-johns Beszti Beatrix
Résultats du concours
Examens de santé
Pas de dysplasie du coude (ED)
Pas de dysplasie de la hanche (HD)
St-johns beszti beatrix is a really good representer of the breed which also proves her excellent score at the nationale d’elevage 2023 (france) and her mothers resaults. She is really kind and good with people. Her mother st-johns beszti zoé is a junior world champion 2021 (brno), hungarian junior champion, hungarian champion and 2022 club winner.
J'élève des chiens depuis 2 ans, depuis 2022. Je suis un membre de Kinološka Zveza Slovenije.
I began working seriously with Dogue de Bordeaux in 2022, when we had our second litter with our female, *Valentina Legionnaire de Bordeaux*. She not only taught me so much about this breed but also inspired a deep passion for it, eventually becoming the face of our kennel. In fact, she inspired the name of our kennel, which we officially established in 2022.
That same year, I also started participating in dog shows and began achieving my first results. I approach everything with heart and immense joy, and I am truly dedicated to breeding dogs according to the breed's standards while continually educating myself in this field.
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