Excellent cairn terrier boy,correct, which is a promissing boy, confident. He is great for families which want a family member but also boy for dog show and breeding!
Articles inclus:
les vaccinations
Passeport de l'Animal
Certificat de Naissance
Carnet de vaccinations
Certificat de Santé
Pedigree pour l'Export
Garantie Éleveur
Informations sur les parents
Prada Astakira
Résultats du concours
Examens de santé
Pas de dysplasie du coude (ED)
Pas de dysplasie de la hanche (HD)
Pas de ARP (atrophie rétinienne progressive)
Pas de luxation patellaire
Pas de maladies cardiaques
Pas d'insuffisance rénale
Pas de maladie de von Willebrand
Prada Astakira is a veru beautiful female, correct and in standard, she is our Champion of Romania!
J'élève des chiens depuis 21 ans, depuis 2004. Je suis un membre de Asociaţia Chinologică Română.
We are responsible breeders of caucasian ovharka, based in Europe, Romania, city Zarnesti, at few kilometers on Bran Castle ( Dracula Castle); we are dog breeders since 2004 and our dogs show quality of caucasian ovcharka, with a focus on temperament, conformation, character and structural soundness. Our kennel, Russtil K.O. is registered and in the same time member of International Chinological Federation, so all our dogs are registered and have pedigree with 4 generations back.
Thank you for visiting and in case that you want to know more about this wonderful breed, more about us, our dogs and our puppies or if you want to have one of our puppies, we please you to stay posted and let us know, you will not regret it!
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