Iubit Suflet Lucky Alien

card paymentAvec Pedigree
Champion parents iconDes parents champions
Date de naissance : January 19, 2021
Dob 9.12.2023
Articles inclus:
  • microchipPuce
  • vaccinationles vaccinations
  • petPassportPasseport de l'Animal
  • birthCertificateCertificat de Naissance
  • deWormingDéparasitage
  • vaccinationBookletCarnet de vaccinations
  • pedigreePedigree
  • healthCertificateCertificat de Santé
  • exportPedigreePedigree pour l'Export
  • breederGuaranteeGarantie Éleveur

Informations sur les parents

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Itury Puzzle Blackmore Fan

Résultats du concours

Champion junior
Champion International de beauté
Meilleur de race
Meilleur chien de sexe opposé

Examens de santé

Pas de ARP (atrophie rétinienne progressive)
Pas de luxation patellaire
Breed, light, active, with excellent movements, excellent temperament, blood America-Brazil.

Données de l'éleveur

Basenji - Lucky Alien

Lucky Alien

(Pas encore d'avis)

Lucky Alien

Иовчева Надия

Membre depuis le 11/1/2017
VerificationNom du Chenil: vérifié
VerificationNuméro de téléphone: vérifié
+380 503****** Aperçu
Kryvoi Rog
J'élève des chiens depuis 12 ans, depuis 2012. Je suis un membre de Ukrainian Kennel Union.
Basenji is not just a breed of dogs, it's my soul! Today, Basenjis are very popular as companions, they are attracted by the absence of barking and smell, bright appearance, small size, as well as extraordinary intelligence and affectionate character. Basenji are active dogs, they are great for coursing and agility, and also show themselves well at exhibitions (Basenji movements are light and beautiful). Since 2012 we have grown fond of the Basenji breed. First, the Sante dog appeared in the nursery. We visited exhibitions with him, took a lot of prizes. After acquiring the girl Acuna, we plunged headlong into breeding and acquired in the face of the owners of our puppies the best friends, helping them survive important moments in the development and upbringing of the Basenji babes. At the moment, the kennel family has more than 10 dogs. Our puppies live in Greece, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Russia, Finland, UK, Turkey, Canada. We are always glad to communicate and are ready to welcome you to our Basenji family.
Traduire en Français
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