Egresvölgyi Fjodor

card paymentWith Pedigree
Champion parents iconChampion parents
Born: December 1, 2022
Régóta várt párosítás, 75%-ban orosz vérvonal.
Included Items:
  • microchipMicrochip
  • vaccinationVaccination
  • petPassportPet Passport
  • deWormingDeworming
  • vaccinationBookletVaccination Booklet
  • pedigreePedigree
  • healthCertificateHealth Certificate
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  • breederGuaranteeBreeder's Guarantee

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Hjch Strazh Gory Delise

Show results

Junior Champion
Best of Breed
Best in Show

Health screenings

ED free
HD free
Belorusz import szuka, kiváló anatómiával, idegrendszerrel és DNA profillal rendelkezik.

Breeder's details

Moscow watchdog - Egresvölgyi Kennel

Egresvölgyi Kennel

(No reviews yet)

Egresvölgyi Kennel

Szilaj Emőke

member since 9/19/2017
VerificationKennel Name: verified
VerificationPhone Number: not verified
+36 703****** View
I've been breeding dogs for 8 years, since 2017. I am a member of the Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
I have been dealing with dogs for 40 years, my rain dog was a real, unadulterated village cocktail, hence my commitment to dogs. After my drop, I had Scottish Collie dogs, I was born into the dog sport with Vilmos Sándorfalvi, born in 1978. The Collies were followed by a German Shepherd, and then in 1996 I bought my first Bernese Mountain Dog, Athos in Szikláshegy, but even then I "spotted" the Moscow Watchdog. He was enchanted by the elusive beauty and intelligence that radiates from his being. Years passed, after Athos came Dorka Zergeháti and Ulka Maglód-Falvi the BMD ladies. They were followed by Rocco the yorkshire terrier and Benji for another, now fourth in BMD, but he was still there riding my heart in the MWD. In 2015, the old dream finally came true and I became the happy owner of a beautiful, smart, phenomenal Moscow watchdog. I already knew then that I wanted to breed and we were consciously prepared for this task. In the meantime, out of love for the breed, I also got into rescuing Moscow watchdogs and Moscow watchdog type dogs and managed to give a new life to quite a few puppies so that they too could live in love, happiness and family. In addition to breeding, I also feel this is my job, because if I don’t help my breedmates if necessary, how can I be an authentic representative of this wonderful breed.
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The Right Choice

Choosing a puppy is an important life decision. It’s not always easy to know where to start.

Wuuff is here to help you do it right.


  • Be sure that you have done your research well and have chosen a dog breed that matches your lifestyle. Are you active? Do you have a back yard? Small kids? Allergies? Planning to show the dog? These are some of the questions that will help you determine the right dog breed for you.
  • Familiarize yourself with your chosen breeds’ health issues. Select a puppy from parents that already had their appropriate health screenings.
  • Look closely at both the parents and their show results, as these are not only important if you want to show or breed, but they also prove the sire or dam must be a great looking example of the breed otherwise they wouldn’t win. This will give you a good idea of what the puppy will look like as an adult.
  • The way puppies look at 6-8 weeks of age will give you the clearest idea of what their shape and proportions will be when fully grown.

CHOOSE WISELY provides all the info in one place for the right puppy choice. When looking at all the lovable puppies on Wuuff, consider the following for a confident decision:

  • Number and quality of reviews about the breeder
  • Level of detail given about the puppy and its parents
  • Health Screenings and Show Results of the parents
  • What exactly is included in the price (vaccinations, deworming, microchip, etc.)

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Then talk to the breeder, ask any questions and make your puppy choice.


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