I've been breeding dogs for 36 years, since 1989. I am a member of the Russian Kynological Federation.
Породой среднеазиатская овчарка я стала заниматься с 2000 года . Когда первый раз увидела собаку этой породы просто влюбилась в нее . Ранее у меня были немецкая овчарка , шотландская овчарка. Мне очень нравятся Среднеазиатские овчарки . Я с большой любовью отношусь к своим собакам. Уделяю для них время. С 2005 года занимаюсь йоркширскими терьерами и чихуахуа . Мне нравятся эти маленькие пушистые, бесстрашные и смелые собачки . Они такие смешные и забавные .
The applicable health screenings have been performed on the Sire and Dam as recommended by the Parent Club for this breed.
If the puppy buyer cannot keep a puppy purchased from me, I will take the Puppy back under all conditions.
I provide a Health Guarantee for the puppies I sell.
I will provide a written Bill of Sale detailing responsibilities for the buyer and the seller.
I will provide the puppy buyer with information about socialization, exercise, training, feeding, immunizations, proper veterinary care, and responsible dog ownership.
I require each applicant to fill out an application to assure that my breed and dogs are the right fit for the new family.
I prefer to keep in contact with the new owner, so I can be updated about the wellbeing of the dog and see how it is developing.
I participate in regular education classes, learning how to continue to improve as a breeder.
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