I've been breeding dogs for 26 years, since 1999. Jsem členem Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
We are breeding 25 yrs back purebreed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with pedigree and breeding qualification. On the base of our strong Cavalier foundations ,we have started our cavapoo program with own,health tested,pedigree Poodle males. We are working together with a good name vet station,who take care of our pups,upgrowing generationes and the adults too. We r educated vet assistant and agricultural technician.We have all the needed licenses from goverments,our dogs are living in our family with our kids,together with our other dogs,cats. Our pups are going to their new home with all needed vaccinationes,parasitafree (giardia,isospora,echinococcus, heartworm,tick,mite,flea,etc) with microchip, petpassport,listed vetexam and proof,needed travel documents (traces or/and
official veterinary paper). Our speciality is within Europe the door to door delivery by car,and the hand to hand delivery by flight. We have all the licenses for the puppytransport too. We are organizing our puppies worldwide travel since the yr 2002 . We have adult referencees.
Your questiones r welcome!
Ukázat originál
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