Candy is a beautiful brindle little girl that we have now opened up deposits on until she is 8 weeks old. She is growing and developing very well and will make a wonderful addition to your family. Born and raised inside our home with our children and other household pets, so eve will come home very socialized and pre-loved.
she is akc registered and will come home with current shots, de worming, vet checks and health guarantee. We do offer shipping with our flight puppy nanny that we have used for over 7 years as well as arrange local pickup. Please feel free to call or text me anytime at 469-500-6110 for additional information, photos and videos. We also do weekly facetime calls, so you can continue to watch your new little one grow and develop.
Šta sve ide uz:
Knjižica o vakcinaciji
Zdravstveno uverenje
Garancija odgajivača
Podaci o roditeljima
Prikaži ishod
Sistematski pregled
Nema displaziju lakta
Nema displaziju kukova
Nema progresivnu atrofiju retine
Nema probleme sa patelom
Nema srčanih problema
Nema probleme sa bubrezima
Nema Von Vilebrandovu bolest
Brindi is such a sweet little girl. She has the best personality and extremely healthy. Born and raised here with us, she has been raised around our kids and other pets.
she weighs 45lbs. Health tested clear.
Odgajam pse 18 godine, od 2007. Član sam American Kennel Club.
My Husband and I have been breeding since 2006 and could not imagine doing anything else. They bring us so much joy and dedication, they are our world. we raise our dogs and puppies around our children, grandchildren and other household pets.
We do all health testing on our dogs before we even consider breeding them to help ensure their health. It is our goal to raise happy, healthy babies.
Prevedi na Srpski
Platite bez brige kroz Wuuff
Niste u mogućnosti da dođete do moje odgajivačnice? Shvatam da nije uvek moguće da vidite štence uživo pre nego što ih kupite, naročito ako živite daleko. Zato uvek možete da izaberete prikladnu opciju plaćanja preko Wuuff-a. Izaberite bezbedno plaćanje Saznajte više…
Koristimo kolačiće da vam pružimo najbolje onlajn iskustvo.
Stupanjem na naš sajt pristajete na korišćenje kolačića u skladu sa pravilima privatnosti.Još podataka