Odgajam pse 4 godine, od 2021. Član sam Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Hello, I'm Edith!
Our breeding is still very young, we decided in 2020 that we want to deal with this. Our first female came to us in 2021 at the age of 2.5 years. She was born in Hokkaido, Japan! This year, a small male bred in Hungary also came. With Reborn Pengu, we achieved very good results at exhibitions, obtaining the title of Hungarian Grand Champion before the age of 2! And on Christmas 2022, the third member of our breed arrived from the Czech Republic, Sora, who can boast the title of Junior Champion of Hungary at the age of 9 months.
Why did we choose this breed? Because it fits perfectly with our personal character. Loyal to the family, aloof with strangers, an intelligent breed. By the way, their fur does not require serious care either, it cleans nicely, combing is sufficient. The dog itself is very clean.
Our goal is for them to get to know this breed, which is rare in our country (and also in Europe). Here, puppies are brought up and socialized in a pack, family, among children.
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Moje odgovornosti
Potrebni zdravstveni pregledi su obavljeni kako i na ocu tako i na majci po preporuci matičnog kluba ove rase.
Posedujem garanciju da su štenci koje prodajem zdravi,
Dobićete račun kupovine sa svim potrebnim detaljima za kupca i za prodavca.
Kupac će dobiti sved detalje o socijalizaciji psa, potrebne vežbe, trening, ishranu, imunizaciju, veterinarska briga, kao i detalji o odgovornom odgajanju psa.
Svi kupci koji se prijave će morati da popune aplikaciju kako bih bio siguran da je ova rasa psa prikladna za njihovu porodicu.
Radije bih da ostanem u kontaktu sa novim vlasnikom kako bih bio obavešten o zdravlju i razvoju psa.
Koristimo kolačiće da vam pružimo najbolje onlajn iskustvo.
Stupanjem na naš sajt pristajete na korišćenje kolačića u skladu sa pravilima privatnosti.Još podataka