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Povestea mea

Mă ocup cu creșterea câinilor de 18 ani, din 2006.
EN- I'm Ákos Szabó. I am proud to note that I founded the Vitabull Kennel in 2006. This means that I have at least 16 years of experience breeding the French Bulldog breed. Exciting times! What an adventure! During this time, puppies came to many countries on the planet from our kennel. We have a lot of references all over the world. People love us. We’ve also posted on our website some of the plenty of feedback we’ve received from around the world: https://vitabullkennel.com/happy/ You’ll also find us on social media. We have Facebook, Instagram and even Youtube profiles. In many cases, the parents, grandparents and even the parents of the puppies were born in our kennel. So, I think that’s a real guarantee. Feel free to search if you want to buy a puppy from a reliable breeder! HUN- Szabó Ákos vagyok. Büszkén jegyzem meg, hogy 2006-ban alapítottam a Vitabull Kennelt. Ez azt jelenti, hogy legalább 16 év tapasztalatom van a Francia Bulldog fajta tenyésztésében. Izgalmas idők! Micsoda kaland! Ez idő alatt a bolygó számos országába kerültek kiskutyák a kennelünkből. Rengeteg referenciánk van szerte a világban. Az emberek szeretnek bennünket. A honlapunkra fel is tettünk néhányat a rengeteg visszajelzésből amit kaptunk a nagyvilágból: https://vitabullkennel.com/happy/ Megtaláltok bennünket a közösségi médiában is. Facebook, Instagram és még Youtube profilunk is van. Sok esetben a kiskutyák szülei, nagyszülei és még azok szülei is a kennelünkben születettt. Szóval, azt hiszem, ez valódi garanciát jelent. Keressetek bátran, ha megbízható tenyésztőtől szeretnétek kiskutyát venni!

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Angajamentele mele

  • Dacă cumpărătorul nu poate păstra un cățeluș cumpărat de la mine, voi lua cățelușul înapoi în toate condițiile.
  • Ofer Certificat de sănătate pentru cățelușii pe care le vând.
  • Voi oferi un Act de Vânzare în formă scrisă care va detalia responsabilitățile cumpărătorului și ale vânzătorului.
  • Voi oferi cumpărătorului informații despre socializare, exerciții fizice, antrenamente, hrană, imunizare, îngrijire veterinară adecvată și obligațiile proprietarilor de câini.

Cățeluși vânduți

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Pedro - Maltipoo Cățeluș de vânzarePedro - Maltipoo Cățeluș de vânzare
male iconMascul
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Polly - Maltipoo Cățeluș de vânzarePolly - Maltipoo Cățeluș de vânzare
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female iconFemelă
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