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Povestea mea

Sunt membru al Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
Oops, oops! Stop scrolling for a moment, please! If I do not tell you now to stop, it would have cost you a great loss, as you would have missed an amazing event, which is nothing else than the presentation of the Barka Kennel of Ballószög! Allow me, my dear Reader, to introduce myself first. My name is Sanyika, I am a two years old French Bulldog and on behalf of my four-legged friends, I am very honored, because I can tell to you why the best choice is to turn to Edit Bartosek, who is my owner, if you want to bring a little extra love into your home in the form of a doggy. But what exactly do the leaders of the Barka Kennel of Ballószög do and when did our story start? To reveal these details, we have to travel back to February 2019, the time when my dearest friend, Hudson, the Pug, arrived and found a loving family and home in the house of Edit Bartosek. Luckily, after the arrival of the first dog there was no stopping and thanks to this huge luck I can be the member of the kennel, too. With my peers, we could not even imagine our lives with better people and in a more wonderful place. Our house can be cooled and heated, so neither the summer heat nor the winter cold threatens us. We are hardly restricted in our freedom, there is a huge area for playing and running, which is every puppy’s dream. If we sometimes misbehave and mess up the walls (because this can easily happen in such a special company), it is okay, because the disinfectant will not damage them either. Our owners consider it essential to take us to medical examinations that take place every month, without exception. If you ask us, it is not our favorite activity to buddy with the doctor, but we need to realize that this is also very important in order to preserve our excellent health. We go to contests regularly and let me note that if we, the members of the Barka Kennel of Ballószög, show up in a competition, then our necks will not be left without a shining medal… If your favorite dogs include Pugs and French Bulldogs, do not hesitate and check out our adorable and cute pictures! If you have not decided yet that you want a four-legged best friend, I guarantee that after viewing our photos, your heart will be immediately occupied by one of my peers. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact my best human buddy, Edit Bartosek! If you want to talk to me, say on the phone that you are looking for Sanyika. 😉

Galerie foto

Angajamentele mele

  • S-au realizat testele de sănătate adecvate pentru mama și tatăl cățelușului, așa cum este recomandat de către Clubul părinților în cazul acestei rase.
  • Ofer Certificat de sănătate pentru cățelușii pe care le vând.
  • Voi oferi un Act de Vânzare în formă scrisă care va detalia responsabilitățile cumpărătorului și ale vânzătorului.
  • Voi oferi cumpărătorului informații despre socializare, exerciții fizice, antrenamente, hrană, imunizare, îngrijire veterinară adecvată și obligațiile proprietarilor de câini.
  • Prefer să mențin legătura cu noul proprietar, astfel încât să primesc noutăți despre sănătatea cățelușului și să știu cum se dezvoltă.

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Serpico Robert


Prompt, disponibil, amabil


Complex, onest, detaliat


Am primit cățelul care a fost rezervat

Very responsive and good communication. We love our pup.


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