Gyönyörű, sötét színű red trikolor, erős csontozatú, szép fejű, borostyán színű szemű, hosszú farkú kan kölyök. Rendkívül érdeklődő, kedves, barátságos, nagyon jól motiválható kiskutya. Emberekkel, más állatokkal egyaránt jól kijön. Teljes genetikai panel mentes, szülők hda/ed0/patella free minősítéssel rendelkeznek. Hobby célra, családtagként keresünk neki szerető családot.
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Šta sve ide uz:
Pasoš za ljubimce
Knjižica o vakcinaciji
Zdravstveno uverenje
Garancija odgajivača
Podaci o roditeljima
Blue Elks She’s Got The Look
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Junior Champion
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Prvak rase
Najlepši pas rase suprotnog pola
Sistematski pregled
Nema displaziju lakta
Nema displaziju kukova
Nema progresivnu atrofiju retine
Nema probleme sa patelom
Usa import, kedves fejű, közepes csontozatú, kiváló felépítésű, kis méretű red merle szuka. Kedves, barátságos, emberekkel, kutyákkal egyaránt jól kijön. Teljes genetikai panel mentes, hd/ed/patella mentes.
Odgajam pse 9 godine, od 2016. Član sam Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
I’m Dr. Kata Takacs, I’ve been a dog owner for 30 years. Formerly I was breeding Labrador retrievers. We had some Leonbergers and French bulldogs as well in our family.
The Aussie is like a love at first sight for me. My first Aussie was quickly followed by 8 other aussies so we are living with a pretty big Aussie pack in a spacious farm, near Szatymaz.
I simply fell in love with this wonderful breed.
Every Aussie is a personality. They are clever, energetic, beautiful so everything a perfect dog should embody.
I have been dealing with this breed since 2016.
In my kennel, which is called Lightlake, the first awaited litter was born in 2018. In 2021. we have started with Miniature American Shepherds as well. We imported 6 dogs from Top kennel of USA and France.
My goal is to give healthy, stable, wonderful dogs to those who want an amazing family member, so that I give them a lifelong experience. My dog's health is very important for me. Beside the quality food I do all the genetic and other tests to keep the high quality of my breeding. I show my dogs a lot, but we also go for herding and agility with them, which is a big fun for them. I'm a member of the Hungarian Kennel Club and the Hungarian Collie Sheltie Corgi Breeder's Association. We have Puppy owners all around the World ( USA, Taiwan, Malta, Denmark, Germany, Romania, Poland, Czech Republik and Hungary), and we are happy about it!
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Platite bez brige kroz Wuuff
Niste u mogućnosti da dođete do moje odgajivačnice? Shvatam da nije uvek moguće da vidite štence uživo pre nego što ih kupite, naročito ako živite daleko. Zato uvek možete da izaberete prikladnu opciju plaćanja preko Wuuff-a. Izaberite bezbedno plaćanje Saznajte više…
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Rejting odgajivača je određen na osnovu pravih ocena verifikovanih kupaca nakon kupovine.