Berta kislány egy kiválóan szocializált, embercentrikus, kedves, ,,beszédes””, igazán karakán, játékos kiskutya. Teljes oltási sorral rendelkezik és már 95%-ban szobatiszta. Szülei tenyészszemlével rendelkeznek és patella ficamra szűrtek (mentesek). Az ára hobby célra értendő.
videót itt láthatsz bertáról:
little girl berta is an excellently socialized, human-centered, kind, playful puppy. It has a complete extinguishing line and is already 90% room clean. His parents have a breed inspection and have been screened for patella sprain (free). The price is for hobby purposes.
Odgajam pse 4 godine, od 2020. Član sam Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesülete.
By pairing the excellent breeding and characteristic, healthy, breeding and patella-filtered breeds in the kennel, I strive to bring not only beautiful but healthy puppies with the characteristics of a standard Yorkshire Terrier to demanding and caring owners, a valued family member and a happy dog life. , gilding the owner's everyday life!
I have been dealing with Yorkshire Terrier dogs since 2014. I have been a member of the Hungarian Yorkshire Terrier Association since 2018. I formed an official kennel in June 2020.
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